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Here is a metaphor to marketing with Weezle talking about a hamburger as all the ingredients you need in Marketing


Lets figure out which ingredient you are missing out on.

TOP BUN : Pick a CMS / Platform. Website!
(Content Management System).
We use WIX because it is the best. They adapt, optimize (mobile) and have the most effective CMS.

THE SAUCE : Content, Copy, Building Trust
We understand the design AND how to convert. This takes forming the "Sauce" which is the art of a functioning design and story telling to your site.

THE TOPPINGS : Backend, Data, PR, Links.
We help form the Framework and UX of your demographic. We also design the best plugins and Pixels to install before launch. A lot of our clients utilize app plugins & we know which ones convert the best.

THE MEAT : YOUR BUSINESS! This is Your Product or Service.
The Meat (& Potatoes), the yin and the yang of how our marketing efforts convert the best is when...
Our Clients who succeed have amazing Customer Service, Use "Quality" beef & "Season" it to Perfection.
- This helps us upsell, create formulas, simplify your sell, grow reviews, & ultimately track conversions.
* Think : Ads, Lead Gen, Funnels, Communication Tools, Trust Ranking, etc. We help Grow!

BOTTOM BUN : Updating the Code, SEO, Meta to your CMS to Gain Traffic.
We help maintain and manage all the backend using the WIX tools, but also our software tools. We know how to code and fix mostly any issue or layout glitch ASAP. We nurture leads, but also the site.

PRESENTATION : How We Deliver. Serve it up. Show Content to your Customers.
Once we help create the perfect 'hamburger' we present it, package it and deliver it.

Here is a screenshot of Wix platform that Weezle Marketing is a Legend Status Partner with
Here is the Login screen for Wix that Weezle Dev uses
Here is another Wix dashboard example of where to find your site once you login. Weezle Marketing can help.
Here is another Wix dashboard tool showing you all the benefits of using Wix over any other CMS. Weezle Marketing is a Wix Expert
Here is how you add Weezle Marketing as a contributor to your site if you already have a Wix site.

THE TOP BUN: ---> Log in ---> Make Site ---> We Check all the Boxes for You.
Make us a Contributor by 'Add Collaborators' --> ADMIN : ''

Here are 12 Websites out of 110 Websites we have made for Clients


"The sauce can sometimes make the whole burger"

THE MACHINE! We have built a custom Software to talk to Software (Like Google).

OUR SOFTWARE : GAIN ORGANIC TRAFFIC. Login and find your Custom Dashboard. Showing Your Custom Strategy, Local Strategy, Backlinks Strategy & All Reporting. 
SEO can be a time suck so we wanted to stop that by creating the perfect SEO custom strategy. Since SEO is such a "Robot to Robot" thing. We just do the Human actions after the Robots tell us what to do. 

Here is the login of our WeezleSearch Software that helps with all your SEO work


WHAT IS Search engine optimization? Take our

Below you will find all of our online SEO courses that are going to help you master the foundations of SEO.

War Zone Journalists


The Toppings to your 'Hamburger' need to be Fresh

Getting involved in the Relevant Discussion!

Over the past 10 years we have built and vetted the best publications, backlinks, guest blogs, engagement platforms, social media sources, etc. We know where to go. We got your back.

- Social Media Management

- PR Publishing Time: 24 hours

- 32 Placement Outlets to Choose from

- Forum Placements & Comment Engagements : Like Reddit, Quora, etc.

- Review Growth strategy on Social Media Platforms & Reviewing Platforms


Content Strategy is Complex & We have a Trick to How we can deliver it every month! is one of Weezle's partnerships for content and Ads
Filming a Scene
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